Core Values
Like the points of a compass, FMI’s commitment to the following five core values serves as a guide in determining organizational priorities and strategies. This helps keep us on track in the process of working to achieve our goals.
Dependence on God
FMI recognizes that both the desire to serve the Lord as well as the ability to do so, come first from God himself. Therefore, we purpose to seek his will in decision-making, watch for his provision for resources, and follow biblical instructions and principles for our operations. FMI’s confidence in ministry does not emerge from resources which are entrusted to us, but rather finds its source in the authority of the Lord; it is because of his authority, we can confidently and effectively use those resources.
Indigenous Leadership
Understanding that it is the wisest use of time, money, and manpower for national believers to introduce their countrymen to Jesus Christ and disciple them according to biblical knowledge and practice, FMI seeks to come alongside local believers to partner with them in reaching those objectives. This is done with great sensitivity to cross-cultural issues, purposing not to dictate methodology from afar, but encouraging local leadership to develop their vision for ministry and direct operations.
Authentic, cooperative partnership between indigenous leaders, ministry supporters, FMI’s international executive team, and its staff sustains this ministry. As members of one another in the Body of Christ, each employee has a strategic role to perform. Only as that role is performed in alignment with others will organizational objectives be achieved. Therefore, FMI honors each person’s distinctive contributions to the task and seeks for all staff to function in harmony with one other.
FMI strives for consistently transparent communication and accountability. In order to build a bridge of trust
between supporters and indigenous partners there must be open, honest communication. FMI is committed to providing the highest level of transparency while maintaining security protocols which help keep our partners in persecuted environments sheltered from harm.
On-Going Training
In order to remember more effectively what has been learned in the past, broaden an understanding of God’s
Word, and remain responsive to current cultural realities, FMI invests time and resources for the continual training of its staff and affiliates, so that they, in turn, can grow as fruitful ministers of the gospel.